{"version":3,"file":"tasksQuickStart-073f5e4a.js","sources":["../../../app/frontend/assets/documentation/articles/tasksQuickStart.js"],"sourcesContent":["export const taskDashboardHighlights = [\n {\n name: \"Search\",\n markdown: `Use the search bar at the top to quickly find tasks by name, description, or linked content.`,\n },\n {\n name: \"Create\",\n markdown: `Use the {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"plusCircle\" /%}**New Task button** to {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"create-a-task\" %}create a new task{% /inlineRouterLink %}.`,\n },\n {\n name: \"View by theme\",\n markdown: `Themed views present tasks in ways that make it easy for you to figure out what to work on next. {% inlineRouterLink %}Today{% /inlineRouterLink %} and {% inlineRouterLink %}Scheduled{% /inlineRouterLink %} views provide chronological focus. {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"find-nearby-tasks\" %}Nearby{% /inlineRouterLink %} view provides geographic focus for tasks linked to datapoints. {% inlineRouterLink %}All{% /inlineRouterLink %} view shows you all of your lists at once. {% inlineRouterLink %}Completed{% /inlineRouterLink %} view makes it easy to see what you've gotten done.\n `,\n },\n {\n name: \"View by list\",\n markdown: `Every task belongs to a list. You can create as many lists as you'd like. A list can also be shared with {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"user\" /%}**users** and {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"userGroup\" /%}{% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"getting-started-for-team-leaders\" %}**teams**{% /inlineRouterLink %}.\n `,\n },\n];\n\nexport const tasksQuickStart = {\n order: 0,\n name: \"Stay organized with tasks\",\n keywords: \"reminder search\",\n subcategory: \"Tasks\",\n markdown: `# Stay organized with tasks\n\n {% tablessContainer paddingStyles=\"px-5\" %}\n **Who can use this feature?**\n {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"user\" /%}{% inlineRouterLink %}**Users with available credits**{% /inlineRouterLink %} on {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"mobile\" /%}{% inlineRouterLink %}**mobile**{% /inlineRouterLink %} and {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"desktop\" /%}{% inlineRouterLink %}**desktop**{% /inlineRouterLink %} devices.\n {% /tablessContainer %}\n\n Use {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"star\" /%} tasks to personalize your Tower Hunt experience and get more done. You can use tasks alone or {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"share-tasks\" %}share them with other users and teams{% /inlineRouterLink %}. Tasks can be {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"edit-tasks\" sectionName=\"Detailed editing\" %}prioritized{% /inlineRouterLink %} and/or {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"edit-tasks\" sectionName=\"Detailed editing\" %}set to trigger notifications{% /inlineRouterLink %}. Tasks can also be {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"edit-tasks\" sectionName=\"Datapoint linking\" %}linked to datapoints{% /inlineRouterLink %}, which allows them to be displayed on {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"the-role-of-the-map\" %}Big Map{% /inlineRouterLink %}. If you've ever made a to-do list, you'll have no trouble getting started with tasks in Tower Hunt.\n\n ## What to expect\n\n Tasks are a {% inlineRouterLink articleId=\"understand-pay-as-you-go-pricing\" %}pay-as-you-go{% /inlineRouterLink %} feature in Tower Hunt. Accessing a task costs **$0.005** with a {% inlineRouterLink %}5-minute buffer{% /inlineRouterLink %}.\n\n ## Tasks dashboard\n\n Working with tasks usually starts from the dashboard located in the {% inlineAppIcon iconName=\"star\" /%}**Tasks** section of the {% inlineRouterLink %}Me tab{% /inlineRouterLink %}. The tasks dashboard helps you quickly find, create, and view collections of tasks:\n\n ![Tasks dashboard screenshot](https://assets.towerhunt.com/site/Transparent_dark_lines_T0.png)\n\n {% tabbedContainer tabs=$taskDashboardHighlights /%}\n `,\n};\n"],"names":["taskDashboardHighlights","tasksQuickStart"],"mappings":"AAAY,MAACA,EAA0B,CACrC,CACE,KAAM,SACN,SAAU,8FACX,EACD,CACE,KAAM,SACN,SAAU,oKACX,EACD,CACE,KAAM,gBACN,SAAU;AAAA,KAEX,EACD,CACE,KAAM,eACN,SAAU;AAAA,KAEX,CACH,EAEaC,EAAkB,CAC7B,MAAO,EACP,KAAM,4BACN,SAAU,kBACV,YAAa,QACb,SAAU;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,GAqBZ"}